Awareness starts with one person speaking up. This World Cerebral Palsy Day, a growing number of people are taking the opportunity to share their voice.
On September 12th, 2016, seven-year-old Wyatt De Groot and his mother Melissa presented to Fort St. John’s city council about cerebral palsy and the Cerebral Palsy Association of BC. Wyatt lives with CP and the council presented him with a World CP Day proclamation.
Wyatt enjoyed the experience and Melissa said that he “even spoke to the whole council room about his leg. He was so proud of himself and I was proud of him too.” After the presentation, a councillor relayed the message that the council was very proud of him and impressed with his confidence.
Meanwhile, Kamloops Development Society’s Crystal Gustafson asked her city council to similarly proclaim World CP Day. Crystal was asked on a day’s notice to present after another volunteer had a time conflict. Nevertheless, Crystal steeled her nerves and presented like a champ.
Fort St. John and Kamloops are just two of over a dozen cities across BC that have proclaimed October 5, 2016 as World CP Day. Another fifteen landmarks, including BC Place, the legislature and Whistler’s Fitzsimmons Creek Bridge, are being lit up green. Green is the official colour of cerebral palsy and reflects the concept of growth. This recognition aims to build on the awareness raised by World CP Day in 2015 when City of Vancouver Deputy Mayor Andrea Reimer proclaimed World CP Day and Vancouver City Hall was lit green.
World CP Day also asks individuals living with CP to put their story on the global map on Hundreds of people from Alaska to Australia have added their voices and more are joining every day.
Be a part of the movement. This year the Cerebral Palsy Association of BC invites you to help raise awareness on World CP Day.
· Add your voice to the I Am Here map at
· Ask your local community to recognize October 5, 2016 as World CP Day by either lighting up green or by wearing green
· Share pictures of green landmarks on social media with #WorldCPDay on the day.
Have another brilliant idea for World CP Day? Share it with us on Facebook or Twitter or email us at