World CP Day is October 6th! Help Us Spread the Word

Thank you for helping us spread the word not only about World CP Day, but to raise awareness for the Cerebral Palsy Association of BC. In this Social Media Toolkit you’ll find graphics, pre-made captions, and links to our accounts to make sharing as easy as possible. We appreciate your support October 6th and beyond!

Tag: #BC4CP
Facebook: @BCCerebralPalsy
Twitter: @cerebralpalsybc
Instagram: @bccerebralpalsy

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Captions/Posts for Social Media

Feel free to click & share these graphics on social media, tagging one of our accounts (listed above) and #BC4CP

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Over 10,000 people in BC are affected by cerebral palsy and it is the most common physical disability in childhood. YOU can make a difference! Donate to @CerebralPalsyBC at  #BC4CP #WorldCPDay #WCPD

On #WorldCPDay local landmarks like @BCPlace @ScienceWorldCa and @CanadaPlace are lighting up GREEN to spread awareness about @CerebralPalsyBC. Show your support at #BC4CP

October 6 is #WorldCPDay! Consider donating to @CerebralPalsyBC so they can continue to support and engage their thousands of members #BC4CP

Oct 6th is #WorldCPDay and here in BC @CerebralPalsyBC supports 10,000 individuals across the province. Cerebral Palsy is the most common physical disability in childhood and is also one of the least understood. Visit to donate today.

Oct 6th is #WorldCPDay – celebrate, raise awareness and take action to ensure that people with CP have the same rights, access and opportunity as anyone else in their communities. Support @CerebralPalsyBC by making a donation:

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Despite being the most common disability in children, most people still don’t know what cerebral palsy is!  Cerebral palsy (CP) affects body movement and muscle coordination, is not hereditary nor contagious but is a life-long condition.

There are currently 10,000 people in BC that are affected by cerebral palsy. YOU can make a difference! Donate to CPABC at #BC4CP #WorldCPDay #WCPD

There are over 10,000 people in BC alone that have cerebral palsy. Many of these people rely on the assistance of CPABC through funded programs, equipment, therapies, and other financial assistance. The need for these services and programs has never been greater due to COVID-19.

YOU can make a difference! Donate to CPABC at #BC4CP #WorldCPDay #WCPD

October 6th is World Cerebral Palsy Day! 💚 🌎

This day is an opportunity to celebrate, raise awareness and take action to ensure that people with CP have the same rights and opportunities as anyone else.

There are over 10,000 people in BC alone that have cerebral palsy. Many of these people rely on the assistance of CPABC through funded programs, equipment, therapies, and other financial assistance. The need for these services and programs has never been greater due to COVID-19.

YOU can make a difference! Visit donate to CPABC.

Post a Green #BC4CP Selfie

I’m wearing green for #WorldCPDay  to spread awareness about @CerebralPalsyBC. Show your support at #BC4CP

bc4cp ambassadors 2020