Help us support a Life Without Limits for 10,000 children and adults in BC living with Cerebral Palsy.
If you have a business or work for a company with values similar to ours, consider corporate giving. We welcome financial support from socially-minded businesses wishing to make a difference in their community. Research shows that companies can raise brand awareness and increase sales by associating themselves with a charitable cause. Aligning your company with the Cerebral Palsy Association of British Columbia (CPABC) can raise your corporate profile, help build your reputation as a socially responsible business, and most importantly, help individuals with cerebral palsy and other disabilities live a Life Without Limits!
Benefits vary, some of the types of support are outlined below:
Corporate Donations
$10,000 and up | Partners Without Limits |
$5,000 – $9,999 | Friends Without Limits |
$1000 – $4,999 | Supporters Without Limits |
$100 – $999 | Patrons Without Limits |
This tax-receiptable donation can be designated to a program or service offered by the CPABC. For those special gifts of more than $1,000.00 we will work with you, the donor, to ensure your gift is recognized appropriately. Please contact Executive Director, Elizabeth Specht at 604-408-9484 or email to discuss how you can help.
Corporate Payroll Programs
Does your company offer a payroll giving program? We would be happy to come and make a presentation at your workplace about our work to your employees. Please contact our office at 604-408-9484.
Each year the CPABC hosts two major events, our annual Steptember fundraiser and our signature Life Without Limits evening gala. CPABC seeks corporate sponsorship for both these events. For more information about the sponsorship opportunities for either event, please contact our office at 604-408-9484.
Donate Online
Make a donation online, or please call us to arrange a meeting. We would be happy to answer your questions, tell you more about the Cerebral Palsy Association of British Columbia and find out how we can work together. Call 604-408-9484 or email
We are also open to ideas from the corporate world as to how you would like to sponsor our programs and services. Please give us a call with your ideas!